The API and the applications record persistent logs. By default, these logs are store in ~/.blink/logs/
. The backend logs are in an api
folder, while each app has its own directory.
If Bip is crashing unexpectedly at launch, check first ~/.blink/logs/launcher
and ~/.blink/logs/api
to see the traceback.
Force update/reset
Sometimes, the Client git repository must be reset manually. These are the typical cases:
- An update breaks the retro-compatibility
- The updating system has been updated
- The user have modified the code
- Some parasite legacy files (obsolete .pyc fo example) can compromise the code integrity
A simple way to sort this out is to perform manually the git update, after cleaning it with the git clean
and reset
This is a shell example, it must be executed from a shell terminal (Git bash, Windows Powershell...)
cd C:/Users/blinkink/AppData/Local/Blink/bip # default installation directory
cp bip/config.yml config.yml # copy out so it does not get reset
git reset --hard
git clean -fdx
git fetch --tags -f
git pull origin vX.X.X # tag or branch
# Check your Server config to match the recommended version tag
mv config.yml bip/config.yml
The database is not responding
Work in progress
Sorry, this part of the documentation is not yet redacted.