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Harmony Jobs

Work in progress

This api is still being built and is subject to change

Harmony Render Job

class HarmonyRenderJob(Job):
    def __init__(self, name: str,
                 nodes: dict,
                 software_version: int,
                 environment: str,
                 job: str,
                 scene: str,
                 version: int,
                 frames: str,
                 pool: str,

This is a representation of an individual Harmony Render Job.

This class inherits from Job


These attributes are specific to a Harmony Render Job. Generic Job attributes can be found in Job documentation

software_version int The version of Maya being used Mandatory
environment str The harmony environment that contains the project to render Mandatory
job str The harmony job that contains the project to render Mandatory
scene str The harmony scene that contains the project to render Mandatory
version int The harmony version of the project to render Mandatory
nodes list A dict of write nodes to be rendered. This can contain the following keys: 'path', 'padding', 'format', 'start' Mandatory
frames str The frames to be rendered, in a format expected by deadline. Eg ('1001-1100x3') Mandatory
resolution list The width and height of the output render Optional
camera str The camera to render with Optional
field_of_view int The field of view to render with Optional

Harmony Render Job

Not Implemented

This job cannot be implemented due to a lack of functionality within the Harmony Python API subject to change When a python job is submitted without the GUI, javascript cannot be reached.

class HarmonyScriptJob(Job):
    def __init__(self, name: str,
                 nodes: dict,
                 software_version: int,
                 environment: str,
                 job: str,
                 scene: str,
                 version: int,
                 frames: str,
                 pool: str,
software_version int The version of Maya being used Mandatory
environment str The harmony environment that contains the project to render Mandatory
job str The harmony job that contains the project to render Mandatory
scene str The harmony scene that contains the project to render Mandatory
version int The harmony version of the project to render Mandatory
script str The path to the script to be executed Mandatory
function str The name of the function to be executed. Defaults to None Optional
arguments list or dict The arguments required. Can be provided as either positional arguments, or key word arguments Optional
outputs list The frame padding to be used in the output paths Optional