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Offline mode


You might have security requirements that forces you to run you Bip instance disconnected. In that case you will have to make sure the following are offline:

  • Bip server
  • Git repositories (for Bip and Content updates)
  • Python package repository (used by pip for installation and updates)

Bip server

Host your Bip server on a local machine, reachable with a FQDN.

Git repositories


For now, access to is still required for the vendored dependencies: jeanpaulstart and shotgun_api3

Host a Git repository manager, like Gitea (lightweight), reachable with a FQDN.

  • If this server is allowed to access internet, it can simply mirror the official repositories.
  • Otherwise, you must clone the repositories and work detached from official.

Python package repository

Bip uses pip both at install and updates. The best solution for offline is to use pip2pi to build an offline repository.


You have to make sure that the repository content matches the requirements.txt from Bip client, and also includes any api_repository requested by your activated plugins.


First let's locally create the repository from a machine that has Internet access.


Make sure you run this from Windows, and not Linux, since the wheels for PySide and OpenCV will differ based on the execution platform.

mkdir python-packages

# Copy needed archives
pip2tgz python-packages/ -r /path/to/a/cloned/bip/client/requirements.txt

# Build index
dir2pi python-packages/ --no-symlink # If on Windows, avoid symlinks

# Rename some packages (unsure why it does not work without doing this)
cd python-packages/simple
mv pyside2-5-15-2 pyside2
mv shiboken2-5-15-2 shiboken2
mv pyyaml/PyYAML-5.3.1-cp38-cp38-win_amd64.whl pyyaml/PyYAML-5.3.1-py3-none-any.whl
mv markupsafe/MarkupSafe-2.1.0-cp38-cp38-win_amd64.whl markupsafe/MarkupSafe-2.1.0-py3-none-any.whl

Then edit the index.html of markupsafe/ and pyyaml/ so they match the new filenames.

Then you can copy this python-packages to a local http server that will be accessible by any machine that will use Bip.


file:// does not work well with UNC path. Use a http:// address instead.

Finally, edit the server config by enabling the Offline mode, and setting the Python package repository starting with http://, https:// or file://, like file:///C:/location/to/python-packages/simple or http://local.server/python-packages/simple.